I installed Avast Home 4.6… on a computer running Windows ME and Norton Anti-Virus ver. 10 (also has Norton SYstem Works 2000). Didn’t realize this was a big no-no. Anyways, I uninstalled Avast (which appears to have been successful), but I’m still having troubles.
I get an error message about ccapp.dll and kernel32 upon boot-up.
I am unable to connect to the net (using a router with built-in firewall). (The internet connection to ISP is ok, as the other computer on the LAN is fine.)
I tried setting the proxy thing in internet explorer to localhost and 12080, but alas, I remain unable to see the internet.
First, we need to clean up your system. With ME, you should have the System Restore function activated. Use the Help Menu for instructions on how to locate and use the SR to put the system back before Avast was installed. (If you still have the backup in restore).
Then uninstall Norton using the “uninstall utility” in the Norton folder.
Reboot the system.
Now, install Avast and configure it to run with your proxy settings.
This is naturally the ideal fix if all goes well.
With the conflict of Avast and Norton, it may have caused a system file corruption. Kernel32 is an operation system file and without knowing the exact error, I cannot advise.
Try the System Restore first and record all error messages competely including any paths given.
This will help later on to track problems down.
Let me know here or via IM message what the results are.
I tried the system restore. I tried the 4 most recent restore points (in reverse chronological order) and none worked. Each time, the computer says “Restore Unsuccessful” - cannot restore to (date).
Then, remove Norton completely! as instructed by their Help file. (I"ll see if I can find the link here in the forum for instructions) Any problems, use the forum search for the instructions.
Then, reboot and do a diskscan and defrag. If you have any antispyware scanners (and you should), run those as well. Adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy are freeware.
Once this is done, reboot again. Install Avast. Try the system and see if it runs smoothly.
If you have connection problems, then manually configure Avast for the proxy setting.
Version 4.6.623 now has a Web Shield that could prevent internet connection unless set properly.
You can see if it it running by right clicking on the A ball, opening On Access Protection console and look in the left for the module. Click on it and then look in the panel to see if it is running.
If it isn’t,then leave it off for now until we are assured that things are working normally.
IF you had all Windowsupdates applied previously, I’d just try going to a bit older Restore-Points; if not: that’s tough luck, there’s a bug in Win ME that could cause this failure (patched via Windowsupdate long ago though)
di you try RESTOREing in SafeMode (F8-Boot), too ?
I used the Avast uninstall cleaner thingy. Seems to have helped somewhat. I still can’t “see” the internet. Trying to run scandisk, but it keeps restarting…grrr… What settings did Avast change that are preventing me from getting online?
The router has a hardware firewall (which I know nothing about changing settings on).
ran ad-aware and cleaned up the spyware. Ad-aware says unable to get latest info from website.
I tried to “ping” the router following the router install manual instructions and nada. Ran winipcfg and that correctly lists the IP gateway, etc.
So, why can I no longer access the web/router - it was fine before installing avast. But it ceased to be fine after I installed avast. And it remains not ok after uninstalling avast. So what happened? And how to I undo it?
Actually, nothing… you made huge mistake not knowing the fact that you should never ever install 2 or more antiviruses with resident protection on the same computer. You should have facts checked before you proceeded with installation. Now avast! is to blame ? I don’t think so… in that process of corruption, somewhere you’ve lost network settings, or even network card configuration.
You should repair your Windows installation, but first completely uninstall all those antiviruses and traces you still have on your computer.
Somethng just poped up in my mind… I’m not 100% sure, but 99% maybe - ccapp.dll is Norton file. It looks like it’s corrupt, obviously…
If you already, uninstalled avast! completely, try reinstalling Norton from the scratch. That should repair/fix/replace all Norton files. When it’s done, reboot your PC. See if that helps any. If you still wanna try avast!, next better completely uninstall Norton (not just uninstall, but cleaning all those registry entries that Norton left behind as well)… best thing is to use Norton Uninstall utility… search these forums for link (there is SEARCH feature and button up there, top of the screen). After you completely uninstalled Norton, then you can proceed with installation of avast!. That’s the way you should’ve done it first time.