Boot disks

Great piece of software!
I have used many anti-virus softwares and this one is really great mostly because of its on access scanner and most of all the VRDB.

One question: is there a way to create bootable disks (ideally cd roms) with the antivirus in order to clean an infected PC that cannot be booted because a virus or worm did damage.



have used many anti-virus softwares and this one is really great mostly because of its on access scanner and most of all the VRDB.

thanks. BTW what operating system are you using?

One question: is there a way to create bootable disks (ideally cd roms) with the antivirus in order to clean an infected PC that cannot be booted because a virus or worm did damage.

This is something like a holy grail of all antivirus vendors, you know. One of the major problems we’re facing is called NTFS. Before NTFS, it was pretty simple: all that was needed was a clean MS-DOS system diskette. But with the introduction of NTFS (when Windows 2000/XP really became popular), such a solution did not work anymore because MS-DOS cannot access NTFS volumes. There are some commercial applications that let you actually mount NTFS disks under DOS (such as the NTFSDOS utility by Winternals Software), but these either only allow read-only access, or are inherently unreliable because they bet on undocumented on-disk structures, mostly discovered by some reverse engineering methods or other dirty hacks…

There are also attempts to achive this goal using a bootable Linux CD, but the Linux NTFS driver has practically the same problems as the utilities discussed above - and its author actually explicitly discourages people from using it for some serious work. ::slight_smile:

There are also many other problems with the bootable-thing aproach - e.g. most of today’s viruses have many entries in the system registry, which is of course also inaccessible if you boot from external media. :-\

That said, we actually are preparing something like this. I can’t tell you more at the moment but it shouldn’t take much time to its release now… I’ll keep you informed. :wink:

Unofrtunately, I suppose it’s not going to be cheap. :-[

Hope this helps,


I am interested in boot disks too and I hope for this feature in Avast! Home Edition… 8)
