Boot Log question

I’m having a problem w/my comfuser (automatic shutdowns as varies times & online videos playing for a few seconds, then pausing a few seconds before continuing). So I did a Full Scan w/Avast & nothing bad was found, I then did a Boot Scan & that is attached.
2 ZIP archives are corrupted. What do I do w/these? Can I delete them/do I need updated ZIP archives?

Is your system overheating?

Hi C69,

Just to add on to mchain’s comment - the “corrupted” ZIP archives are almost certainly unrelated to the issues you are seeing.

The ZIP archive is corrupted error does not mean that the file is actually corrupted; it simply means that the scan could not unpack an archived file (and even if there is something malicious inside the archive, it will be caught as/when the file is unpacked by another program, as File Shield and/or Behavior Shield scan any compressed files that are unpacked in real time).