I initiated a boot scan and Avast found a Virus file. It listed several options to be initiated by pressing a number. None of the options functioned however so I had to reboot. Are the boot scan options not available in the free version?
You get a DOS like screen and are prompted to choose a number as to how you want to handle a file. In my case I want to delete a file that would not delete in Windows. I have no response to any of the options including exit so I have to reboot. I have a Compaq Tablet PC docked to a removeable keyboard. Not sure if that would be considered a USB keyboard but it is not an official USB port where it plugs in. The keyboard is a laptop keyboard with out a num pad so it utilizes the top row numbers. It does have a num lock but that does not help.
Hi, it would be interesting to know if the standard Microsoft CheckDisk (ScanDisk) does detect your keyboard properly. You know, the thing that also runs before the Windows GUI starts.
To run it, start the command prompt, and type
chkdsk c: /X
When asked, press Y (for Yes) and reboot.
Then, test if you can use your keyboard to skip the check.
I was able to successfully cancel the chkdsk scan during the reboot. I was able to locate the file in my Spam e-mails stored in the outlook.pst file so I am good for now. I manually deleted the e-mail. I have the same file being detected in my Outlook backup that I have saved it for testing purposes. I do not think it is of any danger buried in the backup. It is that Beagle-AH virus. Just out of curiosity can you delete a file that is in a compressed backup? I would still like to make sure the boot scan functions properly if possible.
Maybe, you can do this with WinZip, WinArj, Norton Ghost (in FAT32 if I remember)…
Just right click the file and choose ‘delete’ or select the file and click DEL.
But, I think it will be good to let your on-access protection ON during this operation… because the file could be send to Recycle Bin and from there infect the system.
I improved the keyboard functions of the boot-time scanner a little for the next version (the Alt/Ctrl/Shift keys should be ignored and the numeric pad should work as well, when available) - but I’m not sure if it would help anyhow in this case.
Regarding the deleting of compressed files - it depends on the type of the archive. For some archives, avast! is able to delete the files from inside of the archive. For some (only a few ones), it’s even able to modify the file inside of an archive (i.e. unpack, modify (e.g. repair) and pack back).