Boot scan doesn't run Win10 Avast IS

I’ve selected boot time scan and rebooted twice but it hasn’t run and remains selected.

Win 10 all up to date, Avast IS 11.1.2245

Suggestions ?

try this

controlpanel > ad/remove programs (programs and features) > avast > uninstall/change > next popup box has a repair option …

any change?

why do you run boot scan?

Will try it after the full scan has done, although I did “repair” earlier today to get the firewall running so should be ok from that perspective.

I use boot scan when I think something is adrift because in the past I have had good experiences with it finding things that didn’t turn up or weren’t fixed by normal scans. It’s one of the reasons I use Avast. Some malware is quite adept at protecting itself / defeating AV / reinfecting on reboot and this has helped me before.

The PC concerned has an issue with web connectivity which may be malware related.

I have had good experiences with it finding things that didn't turn up or weren't fixed by normal scans.
Do you mean PUP ? PUP detection is default off, except for in boot scan, if you want PUP detection turn it on [b]PUP[/b] = [b]P[/b]otentially [b]U[/b]nwanted [b]P[/b]rogram >

Boot scan does not give any better detection, it is not designed to be used as a regular scanner but a tool to be used if you have problems removing a detection

The PC concerned has an issue with web connectivity which may be malware related.
If you need help, start a topic in [b]Viruses and Worms[/b] forum section Follow instructions here > and attach requested logs (Malwarebytes / Farbar Recovery Scan Tool)

Thanks, The boot scan doesn’t run after repair etc. Will scan with PUP detection on as you suggest, and run those malware logs for further help in the other section.