Boot scan - "infected" Malaware file wont delete ?


running avast free on windows XP.

when i run a boot scan it shows the following file as infected:
C:\Documents and Settings\felix\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\ The archive is either in unknown format or damaged

its the coca.class file within this zip.

During the boot scan it wont move to chest or delete. if i ignore it the avast scan result shows it as deleted however i can still view the file.

If i view this file & try to delete it, it wont allow it and gives the above message.

Is this anything to worry about ?

Try a full scan with malwarebytes free, and see what finds.

C:\Documents and Settings\felix\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\[b] The archive is either in unknown format or damaged[/b]
if this is the message given by avast, then it is just a scan error message and not a detection infected files are given a malware name

files that can not be scanned for whatever reason avast give, are just that…a file that cant be scanned, and does not mean they are infected

Sorry, my first post might be a little missleading.

During the boot scan avast says:

C:\Documents and Settings\felix\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\>coca.class is infected by java:malaware-gen(Trj)Action to take ? will not allow moving to chest / repair or delete. it gives an error code 42111
If i ignore and continue the scan then when i view the scan log in avast it shows “virus found”. The log lists the file name,
severity HIGH,
Status= Threat Java:malaware-gen (Trj)
Action Delete
Result Action successfull

However, when i search my C drive i can still see the file there.
If i try to delete i get the message:
C:\Documents and Settings\felix\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\ The archive is either in unknown format or damaged

So im confused -
Avast recognises this file as malaware and the scan results state that it has been deleted
But, the file is still on my C drive and will not allow deletion

Hope that makes sense !

C:\Documents and Settings\felix\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\>coca.class is infected by java:malaware-gen(Trj)Action to take ? will not allow moving to chest / repair or delete. it gives an error code 42111
because detection is inside a compressed file, it will not rip it out

however, they are located in java cache, so clear that and it should be gone

or use CCleaner

Thank You Pondus !

I cleared the cache but it did not get rid of it. Dowloaded CCleaner from your link and that got rid of it !

Much appreciated
