Boot Scan Keyboard Error


I m using Avast 4.7 Home Edition when I am trying to run boot scan its not working properly, computer is restarting but at the time of scan “keyboard error” message is coming. I am using Microsoft Wireless Keyboard and Mouse (software and drivers are installed) when at the other side in other computer with same machine and hardware that thing is working properly…

can any body give me solution of this ???


You must enable the wireless keyboard on BIOS because avast boot time scanning starts before windows (and software and drivers as you’ve said) is loaded. It will happen the same if you have an USB keyboard. The problem is getting into the BIOS to enable usb devices or wireless devices so the keyboard will be recognized before boot, the chicken and egg situation is here if this option hasn’t been enabled you might not be able to change it in the BIOS if your keyboard isn’t recognized.

After trying what Tech suggests.

If that doesn’t work, do you have a spare PS2 keyboard or perhaps borrow one and see if it works with that. You can’t just plug in a PS2 keyboard and it will work, it requires a reboot to be recognised and enabled.


Keep in mind new motherboard makers are not going to include the PS2 for mouse and keyboard into their new future board, only USB and I have already seen new motherboard out on the market so far I’ve seen ASUS and Gigabyte check their website.

Goodbye the old PS2 connection and move on to the future.

If this is true then it’ll also be goodbye to the Avast! boot scan, which (a) must allow for user input so that essential files or FPs are not automatically deleted, and (b) is run before any Windows USB drivers (i.e. ‘Human Interface Devices’) are loaded. It’s a classic ‘catch 22’ scenario.
Could Alwil consider a Free Linux or DOS rescue CD, possibly a cut-down version of BART, as an alternative?

I thought all wireless keyboard/mouse setups received signal from a USB enabled device (Reciever/sender). Isn’t it enough to have just USB enabled via BIOS??

No. Even if USB keyboard/mouse (wireless or not) works in BIOS ‘Legacy’ mode, the Avast! boot scan (like MS ‘chkdsk.exe’) takes place at the stage between the unloading of the BIOS drivers and the loading of the OS USB drivers. I assume this is deliberate, because there’s no way that Avast! or any other security app could stop a malware posing as a USB driver from being run, if the on-access component of the security app itself was not yet running.

Thanks Vladimyr good explaination

I just hope it’s on the right track! ;D

Makes sense to me! :wink: My MS wireless KB and Mouse are working fine without the issue “bhavin” described.
More luck than good management I’d say :wink:

Keep in mind that I’m just a humble avast user like yourself and not employed by Alwil, I’m just trying to work with what we have also.

But, we are talking about your existing MB which will probably have the Legacy ports, PS2, etc. The reason for suggesting it it just for confirmation that otherwise there is no problem with the boot-time scan. If it didn’t work even with a PS2 Keyboard then the problem could be greater.

I still use a PS2 KB I got fed up with hiccups with my wireless USB KB and I never used any of the additional function keys, did try the sleep, but that was more comatose than sleep.

Whist some MBs will phase out the legacy ports, I feel they will still be available for some time yet and at that time I would like to hope that support for USB Legacy devices would be better. As Vladimyr USB devices should work in BIOS Legacy mode, assuming that this option is enabled in the BIOS. You have no bells and whistles just basic function, but your keyboard isn’t even getting that far I assume because of the “Keyboard Error”

I don’t know if you have swapped USB ports to see if that makes any difference.

Vlk has promised some changes in Bart CD licensing.
But after that… silence… I can even guess what was he talking about…