Boot scan?

Is doing a Boot scan helpful? I did a Full system scan today, should i do a Boot scan?

And does anyone know when the new version of Avast home/pro is going to come out? it suppose comes out in two weeks, I think its been more than 2 weeks already. I heard it at Oct 27 2005.

And its Avast IM Provider better than ZoneLabs IMsecure? I have install it before but i remove it. Now i want to Install it again but it keep saying that a Newer or same version is already install. But i remove it before so whats going on? I want to know also if Avast IM provider is better than IMSercure? ???

A boot scan is helpful if you believe you have a virus but the file is locked by windows. I’m afraid I have no info on the IM as I don’t use it. Mayhap someone who uses it will be along soon. As for the new version it will appear when ready can’t say any more than that.

Already born… 4.6.731

Which part of ZA suite deal with IMs: the firewall or antispyware or the antivirus (if any)?
I think we’re talking about different kind of protection.

Ok thanks. The weird thing is that i put Avast! to a automatic update the program but it didnt. I had to Manual do it. What happen?

And go here to see ZoneLabs IMsecure:

Nothing happened ;D literaly, the program updates doesn’t happen with the same frequency as the VPS updates. The load is spread over 7 days so as not to overload the servers, some might get it on the first day it is available, some on the 7th day.

What you have found is that active forum members get to know about the updates first ;D and are able to do a manual update, beating the rush ;D

;D Good. Thanks. I guess we lucky then. we get the update first. ;D

O yea amost forgot. I not sure if it will confilct with Avast. I dont know unless they do different stuff to proctect you. Since both Avast and Zonelabs IMsercue said that they proctect IM some how. Get some info here and tell me whats soon i do.

And go here to see ZoneLabs IMsecure:

Personally I don’t use IM, so I can’t talk from experience, but if avast was able to provide cover for your IM program I would use that and disable the ZA IMsecure.