Boot Scan

How do I stop the Boot Scan? I accidentally clicked on it and now it scans every time it boots. I don’t want this to happen, I would like to schedule idle times to scan.

will this help

Are you sure that it starts every time ?
Scheduling the boot-time scan is a one shot deal, next boot and not again, so there is something wrong (possibly a registry entry not being reset), so do you have any security software that protects the registry, etc. ?

Neither of these helped as I came up with the same answer as the poster. No line below.

No not sure, but I had to emerg restart and it did not scan then, but gave me the option to safe mode, I left it in regular. then I updated M$ and it started to scan again.

This is the boot-time screen shot, so if you aren’t seeing that, then it isn’t a boot-time scan, the second is an example of what it looks like if a detection is found.

So do you see this first image on every boot ?

If so, did you try to cancel the boot-time scan through the Simple User Interface menu (image3), by first selecting scheduling a boot-time scan ?

What about the other question I asked as they could help us to help you.

Ok, got it fixed, thanks to you guys. Had to have it finish the scan the first time, and then I was able to cancel it.

OK, thanks for the update, welcome to the forums.