after a scan today it found a Trojan, it requested I do a boot time scan which I did, After the boot scan system started up. My issue is when I look a the boot results there is nothing no scan details at all. I watched it scan for awhile and saw it scanning folders on the hard drive but based on the results it did not scan any objects,didnt take any time, no tested folders. anybody have this before. Avast premier 2015, wind 7
Is there anything in the log file ?
If you updated to version 2015, I suggest you do a clean installation.
There several issues known after a update.
that’s just it the scan details are all zeros almost like it didn’t do anything??? run time 0:00:00, tested files 0 tested folders 0, amount of tested data 0.0B infected files 0?
I suggest to do a clean installation and run a boot scan to see if the problem is solved.
Is there a specific place or file to run for a clean install??
OK got it done , reinstall, run a boot time scan, sit here and watch, I goes for about 5min, its scanning away then windows continues to start up and I come to the sign on screen, check boot results and there are zero results, I know it is not scanning all the way through???
I have done a clean install, I have changed keyboards, Every time I run a boot scan it runs for a couple of minutes then goes blank and windows restarts. has anyone had similar issue
Do you mean you checked the aswboot.txt file and the content is empty ?
It should either run until completion, in which case windows will carry on with the boot or it will encounter a detection and will require user interaction on what to do.
When the boot scan is running you should have a Blue coloured screen and you should see scan activity. If a detection is made then the screen shows a number of options on what you want avast to do.
Did you see this activity, see attached image examples of a boot-time scan from a very old avast version. This may not be exactly the same but it should give you an idea.
isnt the boot scan just a sleezy trick to get you have some fake serious problem that you have to call the tech support who omg omg of course for sure can fix this for a Price of course and then bingo there goes money from your pocket to a very slick slimey sleezy piece of crap software company . I regret buying avast premier , grimeshiiit. , and secure vpn yesterday and i likely and going to ask for a refund.
I wanted good anti virus software and tools , i did not want to be some sucker to pay some tricksters to fix false problems they have purposely programmed into this crapware to get rich off the the backs of folks who are not tech savy . Shesssh
isnt the boot scan just a sleezy trick to get you have some fake serious problem that you have to call the tech support .............what does boot scan have to do with calling support ::)
avast support is here
anyway we have FREE removal help here in the forum if you need it
A couple of facts:
- avast is legitimate and trustful software.
- It is not a fake detector/remover.
- avast support is totally free of charge.
If you have a problem, please start your own topic in the correct forum and provide details.
when the boot scan doesnt work people will call tech support and there goes the fun and games to get your money . get it ? they will claim to be able to fix the issues for more moneyi from you . Just as grimefighter didnt work for me yesterday and i of course called tech support and there it was in my face some person wanting money from me to fix issues . Crazy thing is i had just purchased avast premier , secure vpn , and grime fighter. From what i can see is that the whole anti virus program is mainly just set up to get more money from you . if a person is willing to trust the phone tech support people and hand them more money . Its obvious to me the software is designed to not work properly and then hopefully the folks that call tech support will be willing to pay more money .
So go ahead and try and shoot down what i am saying but for sure this is what appears to be going on here
Also the phone person yesterday claimed he knew what my problem was and needed money to fix it . and this came up from him within the first 3 minutes of the phone call.
Check the forums people and notice all the other folks that willl also verify that grimefighter is a scam and doesnt work . period .
yeah its really professional and nice that i forked all that money over to this company yesterday for the programs and right away they wanted more money . ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , i get it … ok . Scam scam scam scam . A scam . ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , pure crapware use to scam . people from more money . ha ha ha ha ha . its obvious ,
@musicaz, Avast support is given here for free, the phone support you called are actually not Avast but a third party support group.
no its not empty, thereid something about a keyboard error? that’s why I replaced the keyboard with another but it is doing the same thing
I do not get a blue screen its black with writing like the old dos, its starts scanning I can see what folders it gets to around two percent then goes complete black and windows starts, like I said in the results in the system it doesn’t scan anything, but in the asw boot scan log indicates so sort of keyboard errort
Please attach the log to your next post.
It sounds to me as a (possible) driver issue.
The log could tell more about what is happening.
As requested
mdLine - quick
aswBoot.exe /A:“C:” /A:“*STARTUP” /L:“1033” /heur:80 /RA:chest /pup /archives /IA:0 /KBD:1 /wow /dir:“C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast”
CmdLine end
SafeBoot: 0
new CKbBuffer
CKbBuffer::Init end
dep_osBeginThread - KbThread
CreateKbThread end
KbThread start
DATA=C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast
PROG=C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast
Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
ReadRegistry end
CreateTemp end
InitLog end
CmdLine - full
aswBoot.exe /A:“C:” /A:“*STARTUP” /L:“1033” /heur:80 /RA:chest /pup /archives /IA:0 /KBD:1 /wow /dir:“C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast”
CmdLine end
Program folder: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast
Engine folder: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs\15032600
Base addr: 77070000
TimeStamp: 550c2f5f
Unschedule end
LoadResources end
InitReport end
New global exclusions:
NtSetEvent(g_hInitEvent) - 1
CPU: Phys(4), Log(4), Aff(4), Feat(1000007f)
FreeMemory: 7852683264
g_dwKbdNum: 1
s_dwKbdClassCnt: 1
InitKeyboard end
NtSetEvent(g_hInitEvent) - 2
FreeMemory: 7780290560
CKbBuffer::Get end
CKbBuffer::Wait end
Loading raw access support
avfilesScanAdd *RAW:C: [Fs: 03e700ff, NTFS; Dev: 07, 00000020]
avfilesScanAdd *STARTUP
avfilesScanRealMulti begin