Boot sector lockout?

Does Avast lock out the boot sector? If so, how do I unlock it temporarily?

I want to re-partition my hard disk using Partition Magic, but when its boot-time routines run, they report that the boot sector is write-protected by anti-virus software.

Obviously its a good thing to lock the boot sector under normal conditions, but it would also be rather nice to have control of my own PC!

Many thanks,


Not by default… only if you check to block the ‘formating’ operation.

Is this message coming from avast or not? If not, well the problem won’t be on avast but in some detection of PM that is not correct.
avast shouldn’t block the re-partition work of PM for nothing…

Pete, again, something different than avast is taking care of your boot sector… avast scans, does not block…

This is most likely caused by a BIOS setting. Check the BIOS setup, you probably have the boot sector lock option enabled there…
