Farbar txt file attach. Hope yopu can helps
Unfortunately the registry hives appear to be missing so we will try another programme
Please print these instruction out so that you know what you are doing
[*]Download OTLPENet.exe to your desktop
[*]Ensure that you have a blank CD in the drive
[*]Double click OTLPENet.exe and this will then open imgburn to burn the file to CD
[*]Reboot your system using the boot CD you just created.
Note : If you do not know how to set your computer to boot from CD follow the steps here
[*]As the CD needs to detect your hardware and load the operating system, I would recommend a nice cup of tea whilst it loads
[*]Your system should now display a Reatogo desktop.
Note : as you are running from CD it is not exactly speedy
[*]Double-click on the OTLPE icon.
[*]Select the Windows folder of the infected drive if it asks for a location
[*]When asked “Do you wish to load the remote registry”, select Yes
[*]When asked “Do you wish to load remote user profile(s) for scanning”, select Yes
[*]Ensure the box “Automatically Load All Remaining Users” is checked and press OK
[*]OTL should now start.
[*]Press Run Scan to start the scan.
[*]When finished, the file will be saved in drive C:\OTL.txt
[*]Copy this file to your USB drive if you do not have internet connection on this system.
[*]Right click the file and select send to : select the USB drive.
[*]Confirm that it has copied to the USB drive by selecting it
[*]You can backup any files that you wish from this OS
[*]Please post the contents of the C:\OTL.txt file in your reply.
Thank you for the reply, I’ll get to it this morning.
Thank you for your time. This is what happened:
Launched OTLPE. In the “Browse for folder” window, “Local Disk C” is listed. When I clicked on the arrow to expand folder tree, HD spins but eventually the arrow desappears but no folder list shows. Right click on mouse/open or /explore: New windows says: C:\ is not acessible. Error performing inpage operation.
Either the MFT is corrupt or the drive has gone south
As it stands I have no tools that will be able to anything constructive I am afraid. It looks like time for a reformat
Thanks for the answer although not the one I wanted to hear… The wierd part is that Windows starts until it its the file. Is it possible to make a boot CD with a DOS on it and a driver for SATA drive to go and kill this file using DOS comands? Just dreaming before formatting!
If you took that file then the previous file will be reported I am afraid
Reatogo is what is called a pre-install version of windows and has the same functionality as the basic XP. If that cannot read the disc either then there is little to be done I am afraid
Well that’s done with the subject. Again many thanks for your time and answers. Very much appreciated in the circumstances.
Sorry I could not be of more help
Good morning Essexboy, me again. I have not abandon yet and did made some progress. Got access to my HD after making a boot CD with UBCD4 Win Builder. The CD dis not work because I had a corrupted FLTMGR.SYS file it said but I was not suprised since I had to add this file manually to the build along with FLTLIB.DLL because apparently they were missing on the XP CD used to create the build. However, there was another tool NTFS for DOS that when started made some corrections to the drive. My Windows started and went beyound the dead spot of before and into Scandisk again correcting many errors. Windows did not complete the boot however and stalled again on the same file but I was thereafter able to run the OTLPE scan and got the attached scan OTL text file. Hope we have acheived something here. And of course, your assitance would be greatly appreciated again. Rgrds.
There is no guarantee that this will work but, lets try it
Download the attached fix.txt to a USB
Run OTLPE and press run fix
A dialogue will open asking for the location of fix.txt
Navigate to your USB and select fix.txt
Press run fix again on OTL
Once done then try a reboot to normal mode
Ran the fix. Not quite the same booting sequence but did not work. Attached a txt file from Farbar scan that I could run now. Sorry.
It seems also that the OTLPE Fix windows froze running the fix. Cannot read text with scroll bars. Rgrds.
Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Run FRST as before and press Fix
Then retry a normal boot
Thanks again for your file and your patience. Fix ran but PC still stops and restart after as you said “the last sucefully loaded driver” whch is: ASWRVRT.DLL. I have attached the txt log of the fix and a new txt after another scan. Pleae let me know if it’s worth taking up more of your time. Best regards.
OK we will try one further restore point
Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Run FRST as before and press Fix
Then retry a normal boot
Good morning Essexboy. I ran the last fix ei “restore point” but that didn’t do it. However, using F8 on boot, I have chosen to not restart Windows automatically on boot fail. This is the message I got: STOP: c0000135 (unable To locate component) This application failed to start because winserv was not foud. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
Does that give you a clue to something.
Thanks, thanks, thanks.
Did it give a file name as well i.e. %hs or something similar
No, only the lines I gave you above. That was on the blue screen with white letters like when their is a HD problem on boot
OK start FRST and this time in the search box put winserv.dll then click search files. A log will be produced please post that