Boot / Start up time?

22.833 seconds for avast antivirus to start up, according to a startup managing program I use… is this normal and how can I get this number down?
I seem to remember, that although avast has been the program that takes the longest to get going when I turn on the computer, it used to be around 13 seconds, and it’s less on my husband’s lap top than on my PC

windows 7
I7 quad core
4 gig ram
Avast internet security

any other Security programs installed?
what else is starting up?

no other security programs… mostly windows crap, my vid card driver stuff and my start up programs timer. Yep… just checked… microsoft stuff and those 3 things.
I have all the software updaters (google, adobe… ) turned off - using the avast firewall instead of the windows firewall. My other programs that I run for system cleaning are on demand, not on start up and avast is, by a long shot, taking the longest to initiate.

scroll Down to OTL here and attach OTL diagnostic log (not copy and paste)

when done a log expert will take a look inside…