boot time scan doesn't detect viruses known to be present

I decided to do a boot time scan to check out my whole system as i have been having some strange problems. It doesn’t detect any viruses at all & yet I know I have some infected attachments from emails that i haven’t yet deleted. When i scan those files avast detects the viruses. (which are all in zip files)

So the boot time scan doesn’t seem to be working. I also get loads of error messages about files with restricted access that the boot-time scan can’t open but they don’t include the infected files.

Any idea what is going on? Could a worm or virus be interfering with avast-boot-time? :o

Depends where the zip file is allocated… Inside the dbx file (Outlook Express) or other email client? Is the zip file passworded?
Did you check for archive scanning at boot time?

Where are they not included? In the on-demand scanning (normal one, into Windows)?
Restricted access is not infected by default

don’t use outlook… eudora. so the attachments are spearated from the emails & palced in their own directory where you can open them like a nomrla file. no there is no password

not usre i understand what you’re asking, but they are all of this pattern…
File C:\WINNT$NtServicePackUninstall$\wbemtest.exe Error 0xC0000022 {Acceso denegado}
File C:\WINNT$NtServicePackUninstall$\winhstb.exe Error 0xC0000022 {Acceso denegado}
File C:\WINNT$NtServicePackUninstall$\winmgmt.exe Error 0xC0000022 {Acceso denegado}
File C:\WINNT$NtServicePackUninstall$\wmiprov.dll Error 0xC0000022 {Acceso denegado}

which gives me the impression that it has nothing to do with my problem.

Did you check for archive scanning at boot time?
where do i do that? [b]that is probably my problem![/b]

In fact, these files have nothing to do with your problem.

When you schedule a boot time scanning just click in the ‘Scan archive files’ option.
You have more into ‘Advanced options’.

Ok got it now & it has found the viruses!

One more question… if I do a boot time scan, are there any viruses or worms that can evade it or is that a garunteed way of checking that my system is clean?

Most probably you’ll be clean.
There is always the sad possibility of some archive file type there is not supported by avast at boot time (only into Windows), etc.
But, generally, you should not worry :wink:

As Tech said this is not the problem, this is just a report on files that couldn’t be scanned and the reason why, denying access to these hidden (read only) files in this case. If you checked that location in Explorer, you would either not see them or if you enabled show hidden and system files, they would appear but as a faint colour.

Hopfully you are on the way to being in the clear.

:slight_smile: Vajra :

 You need more than just 1 antivirus program to increase
  your chances of being clean; at a minimum you should
  have an antiSPYWARE program, an antiTROJAN program
  and a firewall. See "Newbie and Oldie's list" at :
  for good & FREE programs to increase security on your

I know what you mean but to avoid misunderstandings, I think it’s better call antispyware or antimalware programs.
Otherwise you’ll see users having conflicts with more than one antivirus resident in their computers :wink:

Hi Vajra,

Yes Tech is right here. Never have more than one resident
anti virus product on your computer. If you want extra protection against the latest viruses, you can do the following, upload the latest version of stinger.exe and scan your computer with it, download the latest version of Dr. Webcureit, and scan your computer with it, you can also run this from a memory key or flash disk if you prefer. You can have an online-scan, a good one for that is for instance BitDefender 9, or in case you want a permanent open source virus solution with daily updates on your computer next to your resident scanner, you download the latest version of ClamWin and update this. To have you anti-virus solution always with you and frequently updated on their servers, you can choose to install DrWeb’s free hyperlink-scanner to scan all clickable links before you decide to go there, good in-browser security. This add-on is downloadable from DrWeb’s page free services for IE, Opera,
Firefox and Flock browsers. If in doubt about a specific file you can scan online against various virus solutions at Jotti’s.
So you see if you would like you need not miss the next one around,



Yeah but with Linux the window (results) opened is on Russian :cry: