Boot time scan error 42100

Hello All,

On a home user system running WinXP Pro SP2 I recently ran a Boot Time Scan with sensitivity on High.

Though no virus was found I received hundreds or “js error 42100” or “htm error 42100” or “html error 42100”.

Anyone know what this means?

Thanks so much for prompt reply, regards, Sheridan

Do you have an AMD64 machine?

…As a matter of fact that is precisely what I’m running the scan on, what does this mean?

Thanks for your reply! I love the Avast products, the most elegant of their kind!


It basically means that the current version of avast does not work correctly with your setup: AMD64 + XP SP2.

The problem will be solved by the next program update, but in the meantime, a work around is to remove the /NOEXECUTE flag from c:\boot.ini…

This will turn off the new DEP (Data Execution Prevention) feature of SP2 (that only works on 64bit processors) but will effectively enable avast.


…Thanks so much, that helps!

I just got this error running Avast Home 4.6.691 (latest VPS) on an Intel Centrino laptop! :o
Turning the DEP off did not help.
Anything else I should try?

Please, can you post a screenshot of your “About windows” dialog?
(it will show e.g. if you run the winver command).

got the same error last night, coz when i scheduled it i did’nt re-start/rebooted right away. when i re-tried, (rebooted right away) error 42100 was gone. Give it a try!

NEC versa M400
XP Pro SP2
512Mb ram