I have winXP and used to use NAV I removed it completely using their tools and installed Avast. I cannot get it to run a boot time scan. I am using Go-Back do I need to disable it before running the boot time scan? or is their another more perplexing problem.
I am using Go-Back do I need to disable it before running the boot time scan? or is their another more perplexing problem.
I didnt understand that. Plz be clear what is go back?
Anyways… if u want to run a boot time scan
right click on blue icon in system tray and select:
start avast antivirus> rightclick on that scanner window > select “schedule boot time scan”.
I hope thats what you want to do :-\
ya, I know all that. Go-Back is a utility that tries to prevent you from f__king up your system by making waypoints in time that you can roll your system back to.
You do not have to disable GoBack to use the boot time scanning of avast.
GoBack drivers will load and after this the boot process will begin with avast boot scanning.
Are you using the last avast version (4.1.396)? Early ones have some bugs in the boot time scan.
But, after all, maybe Norton is messing your system ;D
I will have to double check my version. I have only been using Avast! for two weeks. Still won’t run a boot time scan, I may have to reformat. Avast found some Virus’s but said it removed them. I guess one of those could be the problem.
I used to use NAV and it took a lot of hard work to rid my system of it…once I did, avast! worked fine.
and it took more than NAV removal stuff to get rid of it completely.
Perhaps this is part of the problem? I’m definitely guessing here, but it is based on my own experience!
You do not need to reformat right now…
You can search the forums for NAV removal and then repair your avast installation.
But you can be sure: this is not a GoBack problem. It’s NAV