???I hope you could help me. When I do boot time scan using Avast 4 Home(free version) I get this message during the early part of the scan:
Scan of all local drives
File C:\Applications\Driver\Mainboard CD\Utility\IIT\IIT\setup.exe%MAINDIR%\convfile\kpwmfrdr.dll Error 42146 {Installer archive is corrupted.}
The rest of the scan will go on smoothly with zero infected files. What does that message about corrupt installer archive means? Do I have to do anything? My pc is running ok(browsing & internet). It’s very rare for me to use my D: drive. I haven’t notice any problem when I play CD/DVD.
Files can become corrupt (has become damaged) for many reasons, often as a result of being in use during a system crash. Or it might be that avast isn’t able to fully open it to scan the file. Though the error is somewhat strange (to my mind), a) a dll file I wouldn’t call an installer b) nor would I call it an archive.
So something made avast hiccup on the scan, I wouldn’t worry unduly about it.
You could check the offending/suspect file at: VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner I feel virustotal is the better option as it uses the windows version of avast (more packers supported) and there are currently 32 different scanners.
That avast can’t verify that file.
avast uses an engine to verify and check the integrity of the file and if it is clean. For any reason, that file fails the check. It could be clean, not necessarily infected, just avast couldn’t scan it.
Can you check the file C:\Applications\Driver\Mainboard CD\Utility\IIT\IIT\setup.exe against on-line scanners? Virustotal Jotti
Edit: David posted before. Hope mine has some utility…
It is certainly useful as it jogged my brain cell ;D whilst the dll file isn’t an installer or archive, it would seem this error message is a mixture as it is hiccuping on the kpwmfrdr.dll that is contained inside the installer/archive file setup.exe.
So it wouldn’t physically be possible to scan the dll file as I suggested but the setup.exe file that Tech suggested.
However, I would imagine that may have already installed that setup file previously so the kpwmfrdr.dll may already exist in the c:\convfile\ folder. If so you could check that kpwmfrdr.dll file.
avast! is just reporting that it wasn’t able to extract the kpwmfrdr.dll file from the Wise installer (setup.exe), possibly because setup.exe is somehow corrupted.
I’ve attempted using VirusTotal to scan C:\Applications\Driver\Mainboard CD\Utility\IIT\IIT\setup.exe but on 2 occassions it seems I can’t upload the file to VirusTotal. I’ve waited more than 12 minutes on both occassions and the progress bar indicating “sending request to virustotal” isn’t having any progress at all. It is a 42MB file. Does it really take long to upload such a file or does it mean that file is really corrupt that’s why I cant upload it? How long should I wait for the upload? And by the way I came to know under “properties” that C:\Applications\Driver\Mainboard CD\Utility\IIT\IIT\setup.exe is “Im in Touch Install program”. What’s the use/function of “Im in Touch program”? Can I just delete this file/program? Thank you all for the usual fast replies!!!
Online scanners usually have some size limit, i.e. I think you can’t upload the file there because it’s too big.
Anyway, you can simply ignore the file… I mean, the fact that avast! reports it as corrupted doesn’t mean it’s dangerous, or something like that.
VirusTotal and Jotti both have file size limits 10 and 15MB, can’t recall which for each, so the file is too large. Which brings me on to the possible reason it failed to be moved to the chest, too large, see Program Settings, Chest, for the default sizes which can be increased if required.
As has been said, files that can’t be scanned are just that, not an indication they are suspicious/infected, just unable to be scanned.