boot time scan task won't submit

I’m trying to run some scan tasks on a workstation running the latest client (just installed). I first sent a quick scan, and it ran fine. But when I try to create a task for a boot time scan, after I click “Scan” the button turns grey but nothing happens, it just sits there. I’ve tried several times with the same result. I left it for 15 minutes and nothing ever happened, and when I leave the task create screen and go back to the workstation task list, no task was ever created.

I’ve never had a problem with this before. Bug in the cloud console 5.0.36?

follow-up: i can submit any other sort of scan task without issue, but can’t submit a boot-time scan to ANY workstation

Hi Dave, I’m asking our business support team to look into this. What browser are you using to navigate the portal?

Hi Dave – our team is aware of the issue and it’s being resolved with an update coming very soon!

Thanks Pete from Avast. Today I have web console v5.1.52 and boot scan tasks submit just fine.

You’re welcome – this was resolved in the updates pushed out yesterday. Glad to hear it’s resolved for you!