boot time scan

Sounds silly, but I cannot figure out how to set avast to do a boot time scan.
I’ve gone over the program settings and protection control panel, but don’t see where to set a boot time scan or schedule it.
Can someone please tell me how?
Thank you.

Hello Dana to schedule a boot time scan start avast then go to menu then click schedule boot time scan. That is if you are using the home edition of avast.

To schedule a boot time scanning you must have Windows 2k or XP… :wink:

You can also use RejZoR’s AEC avast! External Control program if as Tech said you have NT, w2k, XP.

Thank you very much.
I can’t believe I didn’t look there…
thank you so much for providing me with the info and thank you also for not pointing out my ignorance of something so simple.

Better to ask than not to know, welcome to the forums.