Boot Time Scan

Before when I’d do a full scan or quick scan and avast found a threat, I could just delete it and it would say “action successful”. But, lately in the last few weeks when it finds anything and I delete it, it says the action was successfull, but also recommends a boot time scan. Today it found a threat in the temporary internet files and suggested a boot time scan. Is this necessary everytime?

Well, it’s safer. :wink:

First I want to mention that it is safer to move a found threat to the chest instead of deleting it, in case of a false positive. But when a threat is found in temporary files, just clean them with for example CCleaner. About the boot time scan, as it runs before Windows is booting it is easier to (re)move found threats. That said, I have no idea when ( or maybe always ? ) it is recommended by Avast!

Greetz, Red.

Man alive, perhaps I’m just impatient and/or lazy, but I only do a boot time scan very occasionally. Once I’ve been given the all clear, say after an major update, that’s it for a while. Apart from the scans taking forever, I can’t see that there’s a necessity to do it unless there’s a hint that you may be infected. I personally think once a week is really overdoing it unless you have call to…but then I’ll happily be contradicted by others who believe differently. But, consider this, what’s the point of all that real time protection if not to protect a clean system from becoming infected?

As has been mentioned above, I would also recommend (not that what I say has any weight) using CCleaner for scrubbing the temporary internet files. It works for me. Well, I haven’t been infected in over ten years (CCleaner hasn’t been around as long as that of course), so I must be doing something right :slight_smile: