boot up problem

Hi when I boot up I get the following message " the requested control is not valid for this service" this is followed by another box saying Control Service. It has been suggested that this is to do with Avast. I run 4.6 Home and it was installed in January and IF this is an Avast message it has just started to appear. Is it Avast connected and what do I do to get rid of it? Jim ???

If you disable the avast! residents (all of them), answer to persist the changes, boot, will the message appear again?
At this time, do you see a ‘a’ blue icon in the system tray with a red cross in it? Or just the normal ‘a’ blue icon?
Does the window (message) has a title?

Welcome to avast… 8)

To Technical, thanx for quick response bt since posting this problem I have been doing some digging around and the message possibly has no connection to Avast. I think it originates from a file named SISUSrg.exe so I may have to look elsewhere for the answer. Jim