I just downloaded the newest Avast5 yesterday(with plenty of help from you guys here). I followed the instructions given me on uninstalling avast4 and installing the new avast5 to a “T”. After this I did a boot-time scan with Avast5. It found no viruses. Things seemed fine. But when I tried to boot up later in the day my computer froze and would’nt boot up. It froze immediately, at the first screen that comes up when I boot up. It would’nt respond to the mouse or keyboard. Just totally froze.My only option was to unplug my computer. I did so and waited a few minutes and then tried to reboot. Did this four times before it finally booted up. Trying to find a reason for this , I discovered a folder in my temp files labeled “hsperfdata_Compaq_Owner”. In this folder is a folder labeled"Avast4". This folder is empty. But when I try to delete these folders I get an error: “Cannot delete Avast4: Access denied. Make sure disc is not full or write protected and that file is not currently in use”. I occasionally clear out my temp files and have never had one that I could’nt delete. Don’t know if this temp folder is related to my boot-up problem or not. Does anyone have any insight as to why I’m suddenly having boot-up problems and what this temp folder is?? I am running Windows XP-svc pk 3.
I suggest an installation from scratch:
- Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
- Download the latest avast! version and save it.
- Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
- Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it. You can run it to remove avast 4. Boot. Repeat the process for avast 5.
- Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
- Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro.
- Check and post the results.
These were the instructions I was given the first time when I installed Avast5. Followed them to a “T”. Are you saying I should delete avast5 and repeat the process?
Well, avast4 folder shouldn’t be there anymore, you’re having boot problems…
With all due respect, man, that’s the SUBJECT of my post! I’ve got a file that won’t go away, and I’m having a boot problem! These problems started immediately after I followed the same instructions you gave me to download avast5. Had no boot problems or undeletable file before that. So it must be related. Do you have any helpful suggestions or insight?
I would sure appreciate the help. Thanks.
Nope… I’m an user like you.
I hope avast programmers give help here.
Your problems, generally, are related to other antivirus installations and leftovers. So my advice to test a clean installation.
Any other software that could interfere?
Not that I can think of. I run Outpost firewall, but had that disabled during install, plus I ran the uninstall utility in Safe Mode, as instructed. I don’t run any other antivirus software. Just Avast.I had Avast4, and now Avast5. My avast4 would not do a program update from it’s update menu, though, and that’s when I came to the forum and was given instructions to do a clean uninstall/install to get Avast5. After following those instructions I did a boot-time scan with Avast5 (no viruses found) and everything seemed fine. But when I came back to my computer an hour later and tried to boot up- that’s when my problems started.
Are you using the free outpost firewall or the pro version ?
If pro do you have the outpost anti-spyware module running ?
Try excluding this file in the avast file system shield (expert settings, exclusions), C:\Program Files\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall Pro\wl_hook.dll (modify bold text if using the outpost free firewall) and see if that makes any difference.
It may have been better to have left outpost enabled during install as it may have asked a compatibility question (about excluding the outpost folder in avast, which I don’t recommend, but exclude only the file mentioned above).
The avast? (? being 4 or 5) is where avast unpacks/places copies of files it is going to scan, when the scan is complete the contents should be removed. One exception is the webshlock.txt (a protected file) which is there when you are browsing to retain info about the web shield locking.
The avast4 sub folder in temp should have been removed on a) avast4 uninstall or b) by the uninstall utility run to clean-up any remnants. Why it hasn’t is beyond me and it shouldn’t be protected by the avast5 self-defence module, so this is very strange why this avast4 folder would be protected, certainly by avast 5 self-defence. So I think there might be something else in the mix, you could try booting into safe mode (avast doesn’t run by default in safe mode) and you can try to manually delete the avast4 folder.
I’m running the free Outpost firewall. Thanks for the suggestion(trying to delete file in safe mode). Whats weird is this file is empty, yet would’nt let me delete it. I’ll try your suggestion. Thanks.
Still cannot delete this file. Even in safe mode!And it’s an empty file! I’m tempted to download the uninstall utility and do an uninstall for Avast4 and Avast5 again and re-install Avast5, but I’m worried that the boot-up problem will return. As it did the first time. Right now, the boot-up problem seems to have fixed itself and I’m able to boot up. Does anyone have any other suggestions before I try an uninstall/re-install? I’d like to get rid of this file and I’d like to know why I had a boot up problem and if there is anything I can do or check to make sure I don’t have future boot up problems. My computer knowledge is very limited when it comes to boot up problems. Thanks for all the help!
Yeah, run the tool twice with two boots.
It isn’t a file but a folder avast4 and to all intents an purposes is an inert/dormant remnant and shouldn’t have anything to do with the problems you were experiencing.
It may be have protected/read only status in the avast4 folder properties (see image of avast5 properties and it would be that blocking its removal. Try right clicking on it select Properties and uncheck Read Only, that may allow for removal.
Thanks, guys. I’ll try both of your suggestions.
You’re welcome, let us know how it works out.