Boot up problems

I downloaded and ran the FixUpdate.exe file Thursday night (3-1-12).

Early yesterday morning the pc starts up and I can log on with no problem at all. Last night, however, I am unable to log on. All I see is Windows 7 Home premium at the bottom of the screen with NO user ID logo. I do a hard shut down, then reboot in safe mode. I go back to a restore point of two days ago.

This morning when I turn the pc on, I get the “Configuring Windows Updates” message. This goes on for more than 45 minutes. I do a hard shut down, then reboot in safe mode. Everything is okay.

Any ideas on why this happening…???

Thank you

It’s difficult to say, but better will be going to the latest 7.0.1414 that solves a lot of this issues.

Had a similar problem. During my last reboot Avast updated itself to Version 7. After reboot I got exactly the same screen as you did…mine was blank with logo. Could only get out with hard reset. I went into Safe mode and disabled all Avast programs, startup and services and rebooted. Went to Windows ok, as normal. Went to Avast site and downloaded Avast 7 Trial. Inserted my Licence file and finished the install. Rebooted and all is ok. Something apparently was corrupted during the auto update(my assumption). Anyway wasted 3 hours trying to figure this out. Had I not seen this update on my wife’s computer, I would never have known it was something to do with Avast. Very frustrating!!