boot-up scan??

i’m new to avast, i only installed yesterday…
but can someone help? whenever the pc boots up, it starts to scan, i don’t know what type of scan it is and i may have my settings incorrect, could someone please tell me how to disable this…everything else is working fine…
many thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, Wecome to the Avast Forums.

Usually avast does a memory scan after boot and this should only take a few seconds. This is a default action and I would advise against disabling it.

If this is after your first reboot after installation? Then this is to ensure that you have a clean start state and should only happen once, unless of course you change a setting to do a check on the next boot.

I’m sorry not to be able to give a more detailed answer, this would require a more detailed question.

My advice would be to have a browse through the Avast Help file - Windows Start button, All programs, Avast, Help.

HTH - David

Thanks David…
Yes it was my first boot-up after installation…


Please start regedit.exe, go to menu File->Export, type ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager’ to the ‘Selected branch’ field, save it to a file and send me the file by email. Thank you.