Well my NIS 2011 subscription ends in 29 days. So I am trying out Avast 6.0 with Windows 7 firewall for now. Norton has a bootable recovery and so does Kaspersky. Does Avast offer anything like that so I make a bootable usb stick? Thanks.
You may want to check out this thread http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=38684.0. Let us know if you have any additional questions. Thank you.
Nope doesn’t help cause he development is dead. No new updates in 3 years. :o
Replaced by Rescue CD: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=72954.0
Not being a jerk but did you actually take the time to read that thread? ITS NOT FOR HOME USERS and not the same. Avira,Kaspersky and Norton all offer a bootable disk/usb device. I believe AVG also does. Why cant Avast make a bootable iso we can all download and mount? Most malware now a days cripples your pc so you have choice but to boot into Linux. I use Kaspersky’s Rescue CD when I am at customers houses.
Yeah, it’s not the same, it’s a replacement in testing stage, at the moment only available to resellers… Now kindly stop shouting at me and meanwhile feel free to use whatever other third-party solution you like. Ktnxbye.
avast offers boot time scanning for free.
avast Rescue CD is on development and, as far I know, it will cost ~10 dollars.
Of course I know Avast has boot scanning. But obviously you guys have never seen an unbootable pc. I come across computers that are so heavily infected you cannot even log in and if you do its takes 20 minutes to get to your desktop.
Off topic…Avast 6.0 is a very good product.
Dieselman, right now you need to get 3rd party solutions.
Shortly, there will be avast one (not free).
As I can tell you clearly dont take time to read. Thanks anyways.
“I use Kaspersky’s Rescue CD when I am at customers houses”
Being to insert a usb stick and boot off of it is an incredible way to remove malware.
Dieselman -
Perhaps you might re-consider your approach to scanning the “crippled” drive…there are options.
I always scan my customer’s drive with the latest set of Avast definitions…even if that drive will not boot normally.
Agreed the the disk/image is way overdue …but the “hassle” in dealing with other AV solutions is part of what motivates me to push Avast (when appropriate).
Besides…once the customer is on Avast…you probably won’t need such a disk again…unless they ignore Avast’s warnings.
or you can acquire the bartCD
OMG…All hope is lost. NOTHING IS 100% effective. Avast will fail. Norton will fail and Kaspersky will fail. I repair infected pc’s for a living. I have no control of what is previously installed. Especially on a new customer. Malware changes everyday and most rogues disable everything INCLUDING your anti virus. Having a bootable back up is a must now a days. I can insert my Kaspersky Recovery Disk and cure any infected pc without dealing with Windows. I would like to see Avast do this now that I am using there product and promoting it.
So what if a customer just paid $40 to renew there Norton360? Tell them to dump it and go with Avast Free? Not. What about the person who is using Avast Free 6 and cannot boot up there pc due to malware?
You can use SARDU.
you keep saying the same thing…and as if we all don’t KNOW & do this “for a living”…lol
don’t rely on just one brand of tools…their are just two or three apps that I keep handy at all time and only one of them is avast.
As for the Norton customer…if use other tools to test if Norton is doing the Job for them…if I prove that the coverage is NOT working for them…then yes, I do “suggest” a change…it happens quite often. But if the Norton is working for them and does not cause other “issues” with thier PC…then I leave it alone.
As for the Avast Free customer that cannot boot? That is where YOU need to think “outside” the box.
If your point is that you want to use nothing but Avast tools…then your customers will suffer because you have blinders on.
Do my Avast customers get infected? Occasionally…because they neglect my advice or the warnings of the application to start with.
You are a mechanic of sorts…would you take you vehicle to mechanic if you knew he/she had just one wrench in their toolbox to try and fix all cars?
…just sayin
but back to topic…bootable is CD coming. please be patient.
BTW…I do agree that it should be free, unless they include a way to update definitions from a thumb-drive (like another brand already does). Kaspersky, to my knowledge does not offer this function…although I might be wrong.
No I am not a mechanic. I was prior hence the name and YES Kaspersky as well as Avira offer bootable recovery from a usb drive. Norton’s detection rate is very good. Sometimes better then Avast’s but then again nothing is perfect. Just cause Norton let something past does not mean you uninstall it. : Heck even Emsisoft offers a FREE usb kit. Hopefully soon Avast will make a bootable usb version.
Here you go: http://www.washpc.net/~washpcco/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=54.
Be advised http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=72954.msg616902#msg616902.
You can also contact Avast for any questions http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles and use the drop down menu for Sales Inquiries. Thank you.
Thats no help. No 64 bit support. :
Christ. It is a bootable CD. You do not need 64bit support. :
Missing the point plus you have to pay for it and its not usb compatible.
Which point am I missing? It will work perfectly fine on x86 and x64. And yeah, you can make it USB compatible pretty easily, exactly the same way as any bootable ISO.