Bouncing Mail

??? I have discovered that a lot of my mail bounches. Any idea why this is happening… :frowning: nattyj


When the mail is returned, there is usually an explanation as to why.

What was contained in the “return” message?

Be cautious of returned mail. Many “returned” emails are not such at all, but cleverly redirected “infected” mail.

They are designed to trick the receiver into thinking they had an email returned but in fact it was intentionally sent.

Before I can tell you “why” the legitimate email was returned, I need to know what was in the content of the message as to why they were returned.

Some reasons may be: server problems, ISP bandwidth and routing problems, closed accounts etc.


I am sorry, I didn’t explain myself very well. It is mail that I have been receiving in the pass that bounces before it gets to me. I get an E-mail saying " before we can send you any more mail you need to talk to youe anti-virus or your sever". One example, My Yahoo group has me on a bounce list. And until I can get it to where I can receive my mail, I can’t receive messages from my group. I use my regular E-mail accout for that group… And since you mentioned it, just before I left my inbox to come here, I received one of those E-mails you were talking about and I deleted it. I didn’t think it seemed right… Thank you, you are very kind… nattyj

If I understand you well, you are seing an information like the avast emails:
For instance:

[b]A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching.

View it at;action=display;threadid=3413;start=new

More replies may be posted, but you won’t receive more email notifications until you read the replies

The ALWIL Software Forums team.[/b]

Am I right?


What Technical is to find out is simply…“What is the exact content and subject line of the email”

It is the only way we can determine why you are getting them, and who is sending them.



:slight_smile: Ok, thanks for all the info., I really appreciate your reply. I went to the link about spam and read. Now I understand the reasons why. Sorry to have been a brother to you all. I sure know the reasons for bouncing mail now. You are very much appreciated. Don’t need to go on with this thread. Have a great day to all who have helped… nattyj :-*


You are not a bother at all. You came here for help and that is what we enjoy doing.

Come back anytime. Glad to have you on the forum.

Best Wishes,