
Guys , I was playing a game, avast update box came up, It looked to be red, im not sure, it kinda was mixed with game screen, just wondering what it was, had no audio to it or anything…

Thanks, just curious…

I’d say it was the new skins announcement iNews published today. :slight_smile:

ahh ok Vik…thanks…

Thanks for the announcement… Will this kind of iNews be announced by this way, I mean, when new things appear they will be displayed by the iNews box? :-*

Interesting question, this morning was the first time I’d “ever” seen that (in admittedly just a few months that I’ve used avast). I think in the past generally new Inews has been included, or at least downloaded at the same time as, definition updates.

Yes you’re right. We’d like to start sending iNews more often, keeping our user base better informed on what’s going on. The iNews system is quite flexible and is in avast since version 4.0.0 (December 2002) so it’s probably pity that we’re not taking bigger advantage of it…

Things like

‘Virus Xxx hiting big time’ or
‘New exploit discovered in Xxx - please apply appropriate patches’

are great candidates.


I think it is a great idea, its like getting the important parts of the news delievered right to your door… Steller idea, just another reason why avast kicks ass ;D

Vlk, is there any value in avast4.ini file for the time that iNews box is displayed before it goes away?
Can it be fixed and wait for the user interaction? :wink:

A thought I had, that I noticed when that popped up being displayed on the screen, during an online game of Half life, it caused the game to laaaaag really bad, it tried to poke thru over the game, yet didnt succeed, which was probably the laaaging part. This also for regular updates also.

I certainly dont want these disabled, but is there a way to prevent them from trying to override a game, kinda like set it up as a pop under rather than try to go overtop running games. For the time avast shows the box, the game is unplayable till gone.