BPP and mirror stopped updating on mar 25, 2012.

So my SBS 2003 server hangs today with an error from the mirror.exe. I clear out the errors, restart the server, and go looking. Mirror has not updated itself since 03-25-3012. I chec k the ADMIN>sETTINGS>mIRROR. AND IT SHOWS that the system is set for auto-update. in fact it has been auto-updating for months, since it was installed. But now on that same screen that shows the schedule, it also says next Run as :Never. So i go into the settings for the update, i change NOTHING, i click OK. now it says Next Run as tomorrow. perferct. HMMM. so next i clikc on “Run Now” to get the signature updates. Now it says “Update Server Definitions: Waiting”; with a yellow line moving across the screen. Been doing that for 30 mins.

so, i go into task manager, kill all avast processes, go back into Admin console. start the Server Update process manually. It now says 1%. so i wait about 3-5 minutes. It seems to be stuck. I exit Console. I go back to task manager, do it all over again. i do this about 3 times. Finally, when i start Server Update process, it goes from 1% to 78% and about 3 minutes later, it is finished. i check the mirror status, and it has updated. I then check my Scheduler settings, and make sure all jobs are scheduled. (Some have to be rescheduled by editing settings and clikcing OK). Restart the server, and all is well again.

somewhere, the update got stuck and hung everything.


Glad to hear it is updating for you now. Sometimes there is a corrupt file in the mirror’s tmp folder (C:\WINDOWS\Temp in SBS 2003) that will prevent it from updating. I have had this happen to me twice now.

could you check the mirror log for more details?