If you are using Firefox, and view this forum from a window, rather than full screen, and are tired of scrolling to the right due to long links, do this:
Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks or Organize Bookmarks in 2.0 > click the New Bookmark icon
Name: Your choice
Location: Paste the code below
Keyword: Optional, your choice
javascript:(function() { var D = document; F(D.body); function F(n) { var u, r, c, x; if (n.nodeType == 3) { u = n.data.search(/\S{45}/); if (u >= 0) { r = n.splitText(u + 45); n.parentNode.insertBefore(D.createElement(‘wbr’), r); } } else if ((n.tagName != ‘STYLE’) && (n.tagName != ‘SCRIPT’)) { for (c = 0; x = n.childNodes[c]; ++c) { F(x); } } } D.body.innerHTML += ’ '; })();
When you need it, click on it from your Bookmarks file. And, it’s not just for this forum, it works pretty much everywhere.
Edit: Typo