An email Oct 21.20023 see below:
" Information about the MOVEit vulnerability and offer of free BreachGuard coverage for 3 months
We’re reaching out as some of your personal information such as name and contact information has been exposed on the dark web. We take the safety of our customers extremely seriously, and we want to be sure you are aware of the potential impact and how to best protect yourself.
Earlier this year many companies were impacted by the MOVEit vulnerability. As a user of the software, we acted immediately to protect our systems and investigate the potential impact.[u][b] [b]We recently discovered that as a customer of Avast, some limited personal information of yours was exposed on the dark web. [/b][/u]The information is primarily limited to name and/or contact information, as well as information on the product you purchased from us[/b]. No banking details, credit card numbers or high-risk data such as log-in information or account details were taken.
Naturally, we take any data exposure very seriously. As a valued customer, we would like to offer you BreachGuard for additional dark web monitoring, free of charge, for 6 months. BreachGuard helps monitor for data breaches, personal information on the dark web, and can give you access to privacy resources as applicable in your region. We will send details of how to install BreachGuard in the coming days, so please keep an eye out for those instructions, which we will send to this email address.
Please stay vigilant against potential phishing threats, as more commonly available personal information, like your name and contact information combined with purchase information, can be engineered to phish for high-risk data. You can learn more about how to best protect yourself here:
Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe and keep an eye out for your instructions to install BreachGuard. Your Avast Team
Offers a free 3 month sub post hack to Breach Guard but no link to product nor ability to activate product post download without paying for a subscription. IS THIS A LEGITAMATE OFFER?
Having gone round in circles on the website I have sent this email to Avast’s spam email service to find out if it is genuine. I’ll let you know if i get anything back.
I wonder, having received this information on 27/1. Why this alarmist information, if not to encourage people to buy BreechGuard?
Inadmissible process on the part of Avast especially since nor, nor do not notify me of data from my email address.
If there is data theft, can Avast provide proof of this report near the CNIL France?
Or are they really abusive emails?
Furthermore, how can a company selling products to protect against viruses and cybercrime have the personal data of these customers stolen?
Can Avast respond to this thread? No reaction from Avast since 10/21 and 10/25 …
Je me le demande, après avoir reçu cette information le 27/1. Pourquoi cette information alarmiste, si ce n’est pour inciter les gens à acheter BreechGuard ?
Démarche inadmissible de la part d’Avast d’autant plus que ni, ni ne me signalent de vol de données à partir de mon adresse email.
En cas de vol de données, Avast peut-il apporter la preuve de ce signalement auprès de la CNIL France ?
Ou s’agit-il vraiment d’e-mails abusifs ?
Par ailleurs, comment une entreprise vendant des produits de protection contre les virus et la cybercriminalité peut-elle se faire voler les données personnelles de ces clients ?
Avast peut-il répondre à ce fil de discussion ? Aucune réaction d’Avast depuis le 21/10 et le 25/10
Hi Everyone, We’re reaching out to help address some of the questions here. First, we can confirm that the email you received was valid and not a phishing scam. As part of the MOVEit incident, some customer information, such as name, email address and phone number, was impacted. Our systems are secure and operational, and the cause of this was addressed immediately when the MOVEit incident was discovered. While this information is not considered high risk, we take the safety of our customers extremely seriously. The best way to protect yourself is being vigilant against any potential phishing threats using this. Should you have questions related to your personal account, you can always reach out to our support team. You can also find more information about the Progress Software MOVEit vulnerability here.
I have just received the link for the product and the activation code.
What’s more, avast says in its e-mail that this is a 6-month free offer, not a 6-month trial where you have to give your bank details and remember to stop the subscription before the 6 months are up … not to be debited.
Simply because the hackers’ challenge is more gratifying and prolific than attacking a major security player with millions of users.
Be patient Sooner or later it will be there
It’s rarely immediate, sometimes appearing 2 or 3 years after the fact.
In France (since you speak the language), a few months ago data was stolen from Pôle emploi and a little earlier from Adecco, which - as avast has just done - informed the members concerned.
Still nothing on
As far as I’m concerned, I prefer the transparency of a company that communicates as soon as possible about its hacking (even if it doesn’t make you happy :-[) rather than waiting for information from a third-party site like haveibeenpowned or F-secure, especially as some incidents appear on one and not on the other … and vice versa.