British voice-over revealed!

From the blog…

The things you get notified about using “Google+”.

If you haven’t heard it, it is absolutely terrible.

EDIT: So much so that I have changed it to English (US).

At first I didn’t listen to it. Now that I have it sounds worse than an American speaking in a British accent.
That voice over is horrible. If I were a M.P. I think I would petition avast to have it removed and/or replaced.

First we need to get the VPS notification problem fixed otherwise you will not hear any voice.
(Not even the new one which too me lacks any zest.)

Well for me and a number of others the update notification issue is intermittent some times you get the proper voice over update and others the ad/tip popup with no voice over. So you would get it intermittently but it really does grate. With that and the screwed auto update notifications I have disabled that and changed it to English (US).

I have changed it to English (US) on my win7 netbook, I have left the auto update notifications so I can continue to monitor this auto update notifications issue.

Couldn’t agree more! It is the first time I have heard “Avast” pronounced in such a way!? We just don’t speak like that down out way. At first it was mildly amusing; now it’s becoming annoying.

This has to be the worst choice that I can think of. She sounds bored and poncy.

I will change it immediately.

Oh wonderful. The only English option is this and Pirate tawk. This is extremely annoying.

Please Avast, do something about this.

In the Install additional languages:
If you selected download the English version it is actually the US English.

Once downloaded and installed, then you will see Two English selections available to you, see English and English (United Kingdom).

The voice is terrible, extremely unprofessional sounding and bored.
Have downloaded and changed to american english as at least it sounds professional and upbeat.