I’m very happy with avast! but am a bit of a dinosaur and still on dial up. I’m not very knowledgeable on all things technical, and would like to ask if I would need to make any alterations to my Avast! programme if I go on to broadband.
No you won’t… or, better, change just one option from dial-up to permanent connection
I am upgrading from dial-up to broadband in October 2008 with the latest version of avast home already installed. Is it still true that I will no longer have to make any modifications or settings to avast? I am using windows xp and will look for the permenant connection check box in avast. nigel.wand
Just change the Program Settings, Updating, (Connections), My computer is permanently connected, etc. rather than dial-up option, see image.
I’m on DSL with PPPoE protocol, and usually don’t bother to stay connected unless I’m actually active on line. (I connect and disconnect from my ISP as appropriate, so essentially use the same routine as when I was on dialup except of course now it only takes a second or so to connect.)
And I’ve found that working that way, leaving avast set to dialup-only seems to work just fine.
If it works great.
I tend to agree with Mike in that if you shutdown your computer regularly, leave the setting on dial-up. Shutting down your computer regularly means it is not permanently connected to the internet even though you have a broadband connection.
Thanks Guys,
Very interesting, particularly the idea of not keeping the computer on and connected all the time. Being on all the time seems a bit crazy to me.
Personally I would say disconnecting from the internet or blocking access when you aren’t actually at your system (or downloading something) makes good security sense.
I don’t have broadband but if that time ever comes I will work in the same way as dial-up, go off-line when the system is unattended.
Well… Windows updates, P2P and, specially, on-line backup (like Mozy) could be performed when you’re not in from of the computer
I must be one of the crazy ones.
My system never sleeps. It’s rebooted only when an update requires that action.
I also need to access my computer quite often while I’m away from home.
If you’ve ever visited MySharedFiles, you’ve also accessed my computer. ;D
I just did. ;D
Best Regards…
Hopefully you found something useful.
Hopefully you found something useful.
You mean like this one?
Best Regards…
An excellent example.
I Have a broadband connection through PPPoE protocol right now (512 Kbits - will be 1 Mbit from the next year) & I have an active connection over 365/24/7 using a router because of 4 PC’s which need to be connected anytime