Broken path in HTML, Avast! reports HTML:IFrame-EZ [Trj]

Hello everyone.
I’ve ran into an interesting problem yesterday. While browsing (Firefox 3.0.10), Avast! reported trojan HTML:IFrame-EZ [Trj] in favicon.ico and a couple GIF files (linked to the HTML through litebox.js). It didn’t happen until then. The problem is that these files never existed in a location Avast! reports. After a while I tried to upload files with the same names onto the said locations and no virus reported since then. Maybe I missed something, but it seems like Avast! caught HTML page asking for picture files that are not found due to the broken paths (I realized that later) and reported it as a trojan.

Can anyone please confirm this can happen due to the broken paths or is there something else into it?
Thanks in advance.


The files doesnt exist for the server so it generates 404 message → try to check server generated messages, there is probably infection located.


That’s it. Error messages are infected. Thank you very much for clarifying!

You are welcome :slight_smile: