Browse Google Drive backup failed

Hi everyone and sorry in advance for my english.

I have a Motorola XT925 with the Avast antivirus full license and the Backup utility. I´m gonna tell the story step by step so it´s easy to understand the problem i´m going through:

  1. I ran the Avast Backup utility and it was stored into my Drive account.
  2. Then i executed the factory reset function on my phone, so it went back like it was new.
  3. Executed the Motochopper tool for rooting it.
  4. Gave root permition to Avast.
  5. Installed the backup and there was an error, it can´t access the SD card, so the backup was stucked at 3%.
  6. Unroot the phone with the SuperSU app.
  7. Executed the factory reset function again.
  8. Installed Avast Antivirus and Backup again.

At this point, everytime i uninstalled and installed the Avast Backup utility app, it created a backup folder in Google Drive, so when i tap the “Browse Backup” button, it gave me three or four options, one of them named “XT925 active” and the other ones named “XT925 Archived”.
Well, besides the fact that naming all the saved backups but the active one, with the same name is something no one can explain, i had to go to my Drive folder and choose the one that have all my information and delete the other ones. Obviously, i copy the good backup and have it stored in my computer, in fact, it still is in Drive but the Backup utility doesn´t read it, every time i hit the “Browse Backup” gives me the 0% status, as if the file was empty.

I uninstall and Install the Avast app but i get the same result.

So, that´s the problem, i have the backup but can´t make the Avast Backup app to read it from Drive.

Thanks a ton for any help you could give me.

Hi dualirium. Welcome to avast! forums.

I think that your question will be better answered in the proper section of the forums here:

ooops :-[

Thanks Asyn.

Forum section for avast! Mobile Backup is here:

Oh, thanks.

You’re welcome.