Browser Cleanup Suggestion...

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 @ 8:42 AM, [GMT-0800], Day of year = 337

Hi All,
The Browser Cleanup option is GREAT and really fixed a BAD problem I had with malware that took over a portion of my screen and filled it with ads. The root cause was “Albrecto.” It turned out, when I ran MalwareByes, there were some 30 instances of it in my registry and all over. Avast had failed to find them!

When I used Browser Cleanup the first time, it came back with a message saying, more or less, “all seems OK with your browser,” or some such. Well, gess wat? I have both Firefox and I.E. I clicked on Firefox and it showed me “Albrecto” and offered to disable it!

My point is: Do NOT just click Browser Cleanup and go away if it says “all seems ok.” Click on your browser(s) and check each. Doing so solved my malware problem. :slight_smile:

It turned out, when I ran MalwareByes, there were some 30 instances of it in my registry and all over. Avast had failed to find them!
did malwarebytes detect them as PUP.xxxxxx. ?

avast PUP scan is default off in all scan exept boot scan

PUP = not virus / Possible Unwanted Program

when malwarebytes finished, and showed me the bad stuff, i think ALL were “PUP,” but a few may not have been; I’m not sure. I should have looked closer. I was just so glad it found and removed them all. avast! let them into my PC, but, I have to praise the fact that avast! DID disable the one or more blocking 1/3 of my Firefox browser screen. YAY for avast! on THAT!

I'm not sure. I should have looked closer.
you find it in the scan log.... you may post it here

I have no clue where the “logs” are, or how to reach them? Nothing that says “Logs” shows up on the left side of my screen, and, far as I know, there is no detailed User Manual for this 2014 version?