Url has been modified: hxxp://avin.h0sthq.com/
Do not visit site; see below:
zulu does not detect: http://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/show/eba6fb291164893baca1334a244a5bae-1345278375
Sucuri detects; blacklisted: http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/avin.h0sthq.com
urlvoid 1/28 detection: http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/avin.h0sthq.com/
Browser Defender detection: http://www.browserdefender.com/site/avin.h0sthq.com/
Url Query site not reachable at the moment, so nothing to report there. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Possibly new unknown exploit malware here.