I’m looking for help to completely clean my machine from a browser redirect virus wich infected my IE10 yesterday.
I was surfing the internet normally but, at a certain point, a web page containing a survey about usage of Internet Explorer opened unexpectedly.
This happened several times, so I performed some scans for virus by using my Avast Internet Security Antivirus.
No virus or spyware was detected by these scans.
I tried another scan with Microsoft Safety Scanner, but the resul was the same.
I decided to check the program list in control panel and I found an unexpected software in my machine, a browser add-on called Yontoo.
After uninstalling it I run Avast Internet Security utility to clean up browsers from unsafe add-ons and it detected some unsafe add-ons in all my browsers.
After cleaning my browsers from unsafe add-ons everything seemed to work fine and IE10 didn’t display any other unexpected web page.
Unfortunately this morning other strange behaviours have happened: I found that my home page has changed from Google.it to Bing.It and a message box notified me that an unknown program was trying to change my default search provider (again, from Google to Bing).
For these reasons I suspect that the virus is already present into my machine, but this time Avast’s tool for cleaning browser says that everything is Ok.
Any tips ?
I carefully read your reply,
the software you recommended me seems to be a good tool for this kind of malware, but I prefer not to install it because I’m quite wary with third parties free anti-malware software (sometimes they are malware themselves).
Yesterday evening I performed a boot-time deep scan with Avast Internet Security and I found sixteen different infections. I deleted all that files and now my browser seems to work fine.
Thanks for helping me.
Manual Removal Instructions of Yontoo toolbar adware from the latest versions of Internet Explorer…
Open Internet Explorer, on the top right to the ‘Gear icon’ click through on Internet Options.
Go to the Advanced tab and click on the button ‘Choose reset’
Check (to enable) the “Delete personal settings” box and choose “Reset”.
Close Internet Explorer and restart
After the resetting action is completed, press “Close” and then choose “OK” to exit Internet Explorer options.
I confirm that, after performing all operations I described in my previous post, my computer is now working properly.
My issue seems to be finally resolved.
I advise anyone has the same issue with Yontoo toolbar infection of performing following operations to clean his machine:
Delete Yontoo toolbar application from program list in control panel window (before performing this operation Avast Internet security is not able to detect the infection);
Delete all unsafe add-ons from your browser by using Avast Internet Security’s tool to clean up browsers;
Restart your machine and perform a boot - time scan to delete all infected files in your machine.
This list of operations seems to be enough to completely remove the infection.
when you have run AdwCleaner and removed all the crap files from your browser (click delete button) you just click the uninstall button and it is gone…
and the program is not installed, so can be run from a usb stick
it does not have a update function, so you need to download latest updated version when you need it
you may be surprised of all the crap it find in your browser when you run it.
I can testify to the fact that AdwCleaner is a great tool that delivered me of a nasty browser hijacker that changed my search tab and page settings.
I later had to manually change the update policy for Google Chrome in the registry, because the malcode first intended to stay for quite a long time on my computer, earning fraudulent clicks for Cybercrime & Co. Our friend, Pondus, is right, it is a great tool…