Browser Search Engines

With what search engine company have you aligned such that they have paid you to put in a pop up saying that Google - the TOP SEARCH ENGINE - is a “dangerous search engine”???

I pay for Avast - have 12 licenses personally, and have rolled it out to our company to approximately 500 users (not going to say which company). But I can tell you this - while you are sitting in your nice new building thinking of more ways to force things down your throat, I have already begun the process of investigating other A/V software and given prices to the bean counters that will pay for us to roll out a new antivirus.

What I have found, is that your software, during bootup, costs each of our users, on average, an extra 1 min 04 seconds. Now I don’t have a problem if it’s checking for rootkits, bootcaching, prefetch data, you name it. But based on the thread counts and resources used during boot up, it appears as though the real hold up is Avast counting the time it takes to bootup, Avast checking the browser search engines, and Avast checking for other ridiculous things.

What the hell happened to the fast, thin Avast you USED to have, that made you guys ever so popular compared to McAfee and Norton?? TrendMicro kicks the snot out of your product right now, and it’s cheaper.

So at this point, with my personal licenses up for renewal in the next 6 months, and our company’s licenses up for renewal in the next 7, I would like for you to sell me on exactly why I shouldn’t rip your crap out and put in TrendMicro?


that’s a bug. We apologize for that, working on fixing this issue.

Well it’s been a bug for a couple months now…I cannot believe that I would be the first to complain about it.

forgive me - and I digress…thank you for your response. Is there any ETA on the fix?

Yes it first appeared few months ago, but sometimes it pops up again even if we don’t do any changes on the backend systems…

catman could you please send me these log files?
“C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\Browser-Cleanup.log”
“C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\Browser-Cleanup-silent.log”
“C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\Browser-Cleanup-silent.old.log”


There is no “Browser-Cleanup.log” but the others are attached…

Thanks, I sent them to the responsible devs for check.