Browsing problem use with proxy

Not able to browse if using with proxy with all browser .when avast disable I can browse as normal

I put the proxy settings auto detect , also I checked with other options

Are you currently connected to the web via a proxy?

@ shanumt
Don’t disable avast completely, this would be an interaction with the web shield proxy, only disabling the web shield still leaves the remainder of the avast protection.

What is your operating system and firewall ?
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

Have you recently installed avast, if so:
Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

@ DavidR

Thank you , please note even if firewall is turn off it same … the problem when I put proxy in browser not able to browse ,if avast is deactivate I can browse iam using window 8 ,also same problem facing with window 7 ,it was working before but the problem facing after recent update

Well I’m not sure A) how effective disabling the firewall is (and you didn’t say what firewall you use) as some when disabled still have elements running that may still impact on connections and B) it is obviously leaving you vulnerable to external attack.

So is there a common factor between the win 8 and win 7 OS in relation to the firewall ?

If you are connecting using a proxy to connect to the internet (“the problem when I put proxy in browser not able to browse”) and you have that proxy settings in the Internet Connection settings ?
Then you have to add those settings to the avast redirection settings - avastUI > Settings > Troubleshooting > Redirect Settings, WEB - HTTP ports, I believe you have to add the port used to those already there (separate using a comma) and uncheck the ‘Ignore local communication’ option.

EDIT: If you aren’t using a proxy to connect to the internet, you shouldn’t have to enter anything in the browser proxy settings.