BSOB just after installation


Before, Excuse me for my language, i am french and i’m not very good in english :stuck_out_tongue:

OS : Windows XP home SP3

I have a computer with infection by rogue, after cleaning, I install aVast 5, during installation is good, but just before the “a” appear at the taskbar, I have a bleue scrren of the dead
After rebbot, the bsod appear at the end of boot (before the desktop of windows)

In safe mode, is ok, i use the avast cleaner, and the computer is ok

Can you help me please ? :wink:

bleue scrren of the dead


OK, your computer was infected in the first place and I’m not sure it’s really clean now. It seems to work when Avast isn’t installed (from what you say), so try running MalwareByte first and tell us what it found etc…

ps: how did you get rid of the rogue?

If your problems persist I would also suggest to: repair the installation (from Control Panel), alternatively, uninstall, run aswclear.exe and reinstall. If you still experience BSODs then send us the crash dump files (usually c:\windows\minidump*.dmp)


@ Logo
I used Malwarebyte in complete scan, 50/60 spy down, but aVast make BSOD after

I used aswclear and reinstall, BSOD too

But for the dump file, how send this file here please ?

thanks :smiley:

open this:[b] in Internet Explorer 8[/b] >>> then from the “page” menu, click on “ouvrir site ftp dans Windows Explorer” >>> the drag and drop the dump file into the newly opened window.

ps: compress the dump file before sending it (it’s better to password the archive and send the password separately to an Avast developer like, also give him a link to this thread here).
It’s better to send a “kernel” dump file if you got one >>> memory.dump in Windows folder. But if you only got a minidump you don’t need to compress it.

Right now I scan the hard disk on another computer
31% of the scan there are already 16 infected files
After I see if the installation runs properly …

(It works well with Google translation is "It’s a little cleaner in writing in English) :stuck_out_tongue: