BSOD 0x000000c2 may be related to Avast 5.0.545 kernel mode driver

When system was loading avast service at boot up, a BSOD error occurred as 0x000000c2 (0x00000007, 0x00000cd4, 0x02a80000, 0x89800008) BAD_POOL_CALLER. System is windows XP SP2 with the newest patches ,and Avast is free edition 5.0.545 with behavior shield enable. A previous post here said the error was due to the Avast 5 behavior shield kernel driver and attached is the mini dump file of the BSOD error. Hopefully it can help the Avast tech team to fix this issue. :slight_smile:

anyone of Avast team has noticed the post yet?

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