After installing the latest version of Avast home anti-virus my computer crashes after boot up (normally happens after login while programs start up programs are being loaded. I disabled both the root kit scan and raw disk access boot-time scan with same result. I have pasted the error information as well as system info below. I will send the mini dump with this topic name in the email to VLK. I really like your product and hope this will help you fix it.
Big W.
System information:
Windows XP Pro.
Service pack 2
Pentium4 2.8 Ghz 1.5 GB ram
Running Comodo Firewall version 3
No other active virus, spyware programs.
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x1000008e (0xc0000005, 0x805a1f33, 0xb552e948, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini040408-02.dmp.
Well I have tried everything I can think of. I have updated all my drivers I disabled my firewall, I used all the troubleshooting options in Avast one by one but to no avail. 4.8 is just not working for me and to much trouble. I will go back to 4.7 until you guys can work out the kinks. Right now it makes the PC unusable. I will check back to see if you guys get a fix. :-\
Ok Vlk it did make a difference. Unfortunately for the worst. Now before I get to the login screen the PC crashes and I get a BAD POOL CALLER error. I rebooted twice with same error. It does not produce a mini dump report however.
Wait a moment, this new driver is causing a BAD_POOL_CALLER bsod on reboot?
That is indeed very surprising as the changes were really subtle (and benign).
Also, sorry to hear that no dump got generated.
BTW we can probably take this offline and continue by email, OK?
Off line with email would be great. Let me know if you need my email address again and I will send it to you.
I don’t mind doing tests to help you fix this. Thank you.
Hi Vlk, I am waiting to work with you off line. I sent an email to you with this posts title in it so you have my email. Please contact me so this can be corrected. Thanks
Hi Vlk, I tried the latest beta version as you suggested. The PC took roughly 10 minutes to boot up at which time it BSODed on me. I am sending you the mini dump. Hope it helps. Let me know.
Big W
BUT - this dump is extremely odd. The crash occured in the USB bus driver, and the reason was division by zero. :o ;D
There’s no indication of any connection to avast whatsoever…
Are you saying that avast 4.7 works OK on this machine?
Ok I uninstalled Comodo firewall and installed the latest Avast beta and still got BSOD. I sent you the mini dump but also have the full dump if you need it. Thanks