If you have had avast before updating to avast 7.0.1426:
Upload any minidump or memory.dmp files, zipped to reduce size. Give the zip file you are uploading a unique name (e.g. forumusername-mem-dump.zip, etc), so they can identify it. It might not be a bad idea to create a text file (readme.txt) with any relevant information, avast topic URL, user name, etc. etc. in the zip file. Not to mention posting the name of the file you uploaded in the topic acts as another searchable reference.
Memory dump locations, Mini Dump files in, C:\Windows\Minidump\ - Full Kernel dump file, C:\windows\memory.dmp
Uninstalled AVG ages ago, I’ve been using avast version 6 with no problems for a long time. I changed from AVG because it was becoming bloated.
I think the key bit here is that I hit the ‘Scan Computer’, that shouldnt have started anything, only opened the scan menu. But instead it give me a BSOD. So avast shouldnt have been scanning, just opening the menu.
Just an update. I tried pressing the scan button again and it seemed to correctly open up the scanning options menu without blue screening. I did a quick scan and all seemed to work.