i got the BSOD after avast update the virus defintion.
after avast automatic update, i restart my PC, and then, reboot, and then i got the BSOD. also in attach file, there is screenshot from bluescreenview.
my system is : win XP SP3 32 bit, avast free edition (Avast 5.0.545.0), MBAM free 4 giga RAM.
Please, zip and upload the C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file to this anonymous ftp server: ftp://ftp.asw.cz/incoming
Please, also, go to folder \windows\minidump and send the newest (recent) .mdmp files for analysis. There is also C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file. Better if you can compress (zip) them and add some information about the BSOD and the link for this thread.
but here’s some strange happens. after i restart my PC again, (after BSOD), reboot, and my PC didn’t crash (BSOD) after all. i restart it again for couple times, and it’s normal.
Please, zip and upload the C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file to this anonymous ftp server: ftp://ftp.asw.cz/incoming
Please, also, go to folder \windows\minidump and send the newest (recent) .mdmp files for analysis. There is also C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file. Better if you can compress (zip) them and add some information about the BSOD and the link for this thread.
err…sorry, i’m not an advance user, how i can zip that file?
after i made this topic, i update my avast! manually, and then reboot. my PC working good, and there’s no BSOD (i hope i don’t face it in the future) when i posted this topic, my virus definition version 10520-0. and now is 10520-1.
i google about this, i noticed the aswSP.SYS is the problem. and many user of avast! experienced this from year 2008. it’s just a bug or not?
maybe… because after i update the virus definition, my pc working well. the BSOD only once appeared after i reboot the pc after avast! virus definition update into version 100520-0
anyway…thanks for the reply and help, Tech. let’s hope this BSOD never appear again (for me and for the other avast users) :