I’m getting “HWEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR” after installing the lastest Avast via the GUI. Also after removing and re-installing I get this “HWEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR”.
It happens just before the Windows Login Screen.
I think when I will use the offline installer I will still get this error too, so I won’t even bother trying it, getting tired of doing a System Restore all the time. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, I can do a couple of days without Anti-Virus.
Avast 12.3.2279 (2016-08-16) (upgrading to latest (which I guess is 17.1.2286 (2017-02-07)))
Only CCleaner and Windows Defender.
What I have done is upgrading, which caused a BSOD.
Uninstall, reboot, reinstall, which also caused a BSOD after rebooting just before the Windows Login Screen.
So my guess is that the offline installer will do the same.
Followed your steps (reboot in save mode, uninstalled Avast, reboot again into save mode, run AvastClear) and followed your install instructions, installed with offline installer, still BSOD after reboot, just before the Windows Login Screen.
It is the same for me : Win 10 + Avast 17 (install after Avast clear) = BSOD “WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR”
If I uninstall Avast everything wotks well.
Definitively an Avast BUG.
Eveything was working well with Avast 16
Yes this could be, I had BlueStacks also installed, but I don’t use it anymore and uninstalled it, I’m using MEmu to Emulate Android now, much better. Maybe I will try to install Avast later but I have other things to do now first.