BSOD aswMon2.SYS XP Pro SP3 Avast! Internet Security 5.0.545

Evening all.

I’ve had a bunch of BSOD’s lately, although I only seem to have one minidump file to show for it (I’ll change the dump parameters to kernel and more of them). WinDbg identifies aswMon2.sys as “probably” the cause. I’ve uploaded the minidump, named avhfj-Mini052410-01.dmp, to ftp/avast/incoming. I think. I’m not sure if it worked. Let me know if it didn’t and I’ll try again.

Can anyone tell me what’s happening?

Season’s greetings to all, . . . avhfj

Hello avhfj, it doesn’t look like avast problem at all and it’s pity you have only one minidump. The crash occurred while a file was being opened in ntfs driver, so it’d be rather a hdd/memory/cooling issue than a software problem. Maybe another minidump would reveal something more, but for now, I suggest you to check those three things I’ve mentioned.