BSOD in new avast free 7.0.1473

I’ve a BSOD this evening on my home pc and there’s an avast driver involved “aswSnx.SYS” :cry:
I’ll upload the minidump and memory.dmp to the ftp dot avast dot com / incoming, name file
Hope this can help avast team.

Thanks. Yes, aswsnx.sys driver filtered one Windows API function, but then it called Windows core driver to finish it.
During processing, CPU returned on invalid memory address and it led to BSOD.
it should return to: 909c95ef address, but it returned to 909c95ee
the change is in one bit, this memory address was written incorrectly to stack (or someone decreased it by one, but I think it’s probably hw fault).

This morning, I encountered BSOD on my Windows 8 x64 again.
It is ndis.sys error, same as before.

Thanks PK for the explanation of my problem, :slight_smile: it’s no a problem related to avast, :frowning: it’s a problem related to my HW… I only hope now I will have no BSOD again…

Have you uploaded you minidump and memory.dmp file to the ftp dot avast dot com / incoming ?

and we receive a lot of crashes in version.dll or in modified ashBase.dll, don’t you know anything about it? :wink:

Sorry that I did not upload the minidump.

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:o >:(