BSoD on version 6.0.1203

Hello, I got 2 BSoD causing by the file aswSP.sys

So, anyways to fix it or should I send the minidump files to Avast ftp server?

Btw, what is the link so I can “upload” these files?

Where to upload? :

Add a read me file in the zip file giving a link to this topic and explain other details.

Post the name of the file here.

I uploaded the file with the name of minidump.rar

Hi, Will have to wait until someone from avast posts - I hope you have added the read me file which contains the link to this topic. :-\

Always best to give it a unique name as there would be no way to differentiate it if that common name were used in many of the uploads they get.

Give the zip file you are uploading a unique name (e.g., etc), so they can identify it. It might not be a bad idea to create a text file (readme.txt) with any relevant information, avast topic URL, user name, etc. etc. in the zip file.

Hello, this time I re-uploaded with an unique name. Sorry I only have .rar, not .zip.

And I put the readme.txt in it with the link to this topic.

type: aswsp!LockItem+0x1f crash

unfortunately, this bsod will not get fixed - see this thread: (BarbaBookie msg + vlk reply)

So the temporary solution is turn off antirootkit component?

When will version 7 come out?

Wow, how can you say this isn’t a major problem? BSOD causes the system to suddenly stop working and makings s**t fucked up. Clearly this should be a high priority problem since you guys known about it for a few years. I just experienced this out of nowhere while playing a game. Honestly, after it BSOD, Avast just stops working correctly. Trying to go to Real-Time shields does nothing. It just clicks and doesn’t change to that screen. Trying to update causes an Error: The Package is Broken. How about fixing a problem that XXX up my computer more than an actual virus? I read the others reply and its quite the stupid excuse to say

Right, its rare because few people report them, yet you fail to realize some BSOD flashes for .2 second before the computer restarts and they don’t get a chance to see what caused it. Or maybe, some people just don’t know how bad a BSOD is and ignore it.

Good s**t, Vlk. Looks like a few years is “overnight”

Avast is like the only AntiVirus that offer best protection. Too bad they won’t fix that BSoD issue :cry: