
I have formatted the machine about 3 days ago and installed ais 6 without any problem

Just now abut 10 minuts ago i got a bsod
I really cant imagine which program have caused this

My question is if the a team or some people here can helo me to check the cause of the program
Maybe cheking the dump

Please help

interesting i restarted today and got BSOD too on OS boot …
might be some indication of issue

please upload Your minidump to
so Avast staff can analyze it

OK Dump zipped and sent(hope)name 022611-33789-01.rar
I hope you guys can tell me what caused this
I am really confused now


thanks , lets hope they nail our problems fast :slight_smile:

Its ny pleasure to thank you for all the patience
You are very kind

is the same problem I have ?

STOP: c000021a (Fatal System Error). The Windows Logon
Process System process terminated unexpectedly with a
status of 0xc00000080 (0x0000000 0x00000000). The system
has been shut down



Not the same i guess , as my bsod was some minutes after the logon(If i remember well
Lets see if they can tell us the reason of the bsod
But it was very stranger
All normal and so a bsod happens in a recently formated*With no diferent programs ad machine

in case of BSODs always upload the minidump(s) to
compress them into archive and try use somewhat unique filename (your nick and date and some number for example)

this have been done and i am waiting they tell me the cause of the bsod
See some posts above
If u need the dump again, please adivise me

Any news on that point?
thank you

No yet news about the cause of yhe bsod?
Thank you