BSoD w/aswsnx.sys windows 7 x64

with the latest build (*.1125) i’ve encountered 2 bsods related to aswsnx.sys

i thought the first was a fluke, i ran it through windbg

Probably caused by : aswSnx.SYS ( aswSnx+b42d )

the second returned a similar result. i just compressed the dump and i’m uploading it to the avast ftp right now w/my username as part of the filename.

first crash happened randomly, second crash occurred when i closed a sandboxed version of firefox 4.

platform: windows 7 x64



You may try switching off Autosandbox feature in avast! and see if it works…


Can you upload the corresponding minidump files (from C:\Windows\Minidump) to

yup, just did. sorry, i thought i uploaded both but i only uploaded memory.dmp.

@mayura4ever, i already disabled the sandbox component after i saw what that driver was.

i have got the same problem. i send mini dump file BSOD_from_poland_Mini061211-07.dmp or something like that :slight_smile:

i have the same problem with panda(?). what is wrong ?

i use vita bussines x64

Hi, I got the same problem: at least once everyday
Windows XP
Avast Free 6.0.1125
I already try switching off autosanbox

I uploaded to the FTP site: Giturralde Mini061211-01.rar
